Why Go to Green - LNG?
Better for the Environment
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is the liquefied form of natural gas, which has a much smaller volume than natural gas in its gaseous form. This liquefied condition is used to facilitate the carriage of natural gas over long distances, often by sea, in specialized tanks.
LNG port terminals are purpose-built port terminals designed to accommodate large LNG carrier ships designed to load, carry and unload LNG. These LNG terminals are located adjacent to a gas liquefaction and storage plant (export), or to a gas regasification and storage plant (import), which are themselves connected to gas pipelines connected to on-shore or off-shore gas fields (export) or to storage and distribution plants (import).
Cost Cutting
Our Company Project in the offshore LNG terminal being constructed in Maldives, Singapore (ASEAN) waters will further improve ASEAN's long-term natural gas supply stability by diversifying supply sources and enabling procurement of natural gas at competitive prices from the global market. The technology of the Floating Storage Regasification Unit will be applied to regasify the LNG and the natural gas will be transmitted to power stations through subsea pipelines for electricity generation. The initiative is a critical step in supporting the ASEAN Government’s plan to increase the percentage of natural gas used for power generation and reduce carbon intensity in the city.
Global Gas Infrastructure Tracker
The Global Gas Infrastructure Tracker (GGIT) is an information resource on natural gas transmission pipeline projects and liquefied natural gas (LNG) import and export terminals. Currently, GGIT aims to include all LNG terminals regardless of threshold, as well as all global gas transmission pipelines over predetermined size thresholds. An interactive map shows pipeline routes and terminal locations, and tables provide additional data on each project.
Gas demand
Gas is the only fossil fuel that is expected to grow continuously to 2035; demand growth will slow to 1.3% per annum (p.a.) between 2018 and 2023 and to 0.7% p.a. between 2023 and 2035
Asia remains the engine for growth in gas demand, with growth of 2.1% p.a.between 2018-2035
Demand growth in gas-intensive industry sectors (+313 bcm) and in power (+135 bcm) represents ~70% of total global growth of 635 bcm until 2035
How Green - LNG Works?
LNG produces 40% less carbon dioxide (CO2) than coal and 30% less than oil, which makes it the cleanest of the fossil fuels. It does not emit soot, dust, or particulates and produces insignificant amounts of sulfur dioxide, mercury, and other compounds considered harmful to the Earth’s atmosphere.